Susan McLaren
Susan spent the majority of her life training and competing in high level athletics such as U.S competitive swimming and ANY sport time would allow. She has always been a fitness and nutrition nerd reading any book or testing any training program she could get her hands on. She is known for her entrepreneurial spirit and desire to drive others to their goals. Missing the pysical push and camaraderie of a team brought her into her first CrossFit gym in 2012. Like many she immediately fell in love with the intense mental, physical and communal aspects of the sport. In 2013 she launched a CrossFit Kids program. The goal was to help foster an early love of fitness, increase confidence, camaraderie while creating a well rounded athlete. As this mighty crew grew she and Mia decided to open up a welcoming space where people of all ages and abilities could experience the power that fitness has to change your life and how you handle each day’s challenges.
Susan relies on her workouts (and the ocean) to keep her sane and her body intact. She holds a growing mix of certifications in strength and conditioning training. She is a barbell master with an abundance of hours on the platform and loves nothing more than having a heavy weight in one hand and a coffee in the other. She is intimately familiar with putting blood, sweat, and tears into a hard day’s work and then is equally happy to go home to her 3 energetic kids, 2 dogs and husband. Along with lifting she loves to eat, surf, bring people together to do good and make fresh margaritas!
Level 2 CrossFit Coach
Precision Nutrition and Healthy Steps Certified Nutrition Coach
StrongFit Level 1 Hormone + Inflammation Response Cert
CrossFit Gymnastics Certified
Advanced Brand X Method Certified
Certified USA Weightlifting L1 Coach
Level 1 Burgener Weightlifting