Ernie Doherty
Ernie is proud to be a lifelong Woburn resident, with strong ties to the community that raised him and helped him raise his family. He attended Woburn public schools and went on to the University of Lowell. After college he joined the Massachusetts State Police, 71st Recruit Training Troop and went on to fight crime and suppress evil for 25 rewarding years. Retiring in 2018 after having attained the rank of Detective Lieutenant and the Commanding Officer of the Gang Unit, he continues to appreciate and maintain the relationships he was fortunate to build over all of those years of service. In 2013 he brought a few of these friends to his first CrossFit workout where he instantly knew this was the way to continue to maintain his physical and mental health for his job as well as his family. After a few years of growing into an experienced athlete, he pursued his CrossFit Level 1 certificate as well as his Gymnastics certificate. While the intensity and variety from CrossFit sparked his passion, the community it creates drives his daily dedication to coaching. His true passion is helping people set goals, stay accountable, and lead better lives. He is ready to assist everyone who walks through the doors of the gym and has a deep desire to connect with each of the members and help them succeed in their fitness and lifestyle goals.
Level 1 CrossFit Coach
CrossFit Gymnastics Certified
Red Cross CPR & AED